Friday, August 24, 2012

You Get What You Pay For and Sometimes What You Don't Pay For

The old adage, "You get what you pay for" couldn't be truer. This is the story of what happens when an amateur performs the task of a professional. This like life and politics presents an undeniable truth. The truth is those that aren't qualified will eventually fail. (Peter Principle) 

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Elderly parisioner's touch-up to 19th century church fresco turns Jesus into cartoon

Last Updated: 2:25 PM, August 23, 2012
Posted: 2:08 AM, August 23, 2012


An elderly parishioner’s attempt to touch up this cherished but deteriorating Spanish church fresco has turned Jesus into a cartoon figure.

The unidentified woman, in her 80s, was upset at the damage that moisture was wreaking on the 19th century fresco in the Sanctuary of Mercy Church near Zaragoza.

Without authorization, the devoted woman scraped away some of the paint, leaving white marks on the wall.
Then she took out a paintbrush and replaced the strokes of artist Elias Garcia Martinez with her own, Spanish media reported.

When she realized how badly it had turned out, she contacted the city’s culture councilor, Juan Maria Ojeda.

  The Masterpiece
AFP/Getty Images
The Great Mess

I do like the Jesus fro though in the Great Mess. It's hip and fresh.

“I think she had good intentions,” Ojeda was quoted as saying. (So does Obama, but...)

As it turns out, the woman’s efforts weren’t even necessary. An organization that restores Spanish artwork, El Centro de Estudios Borjanos, had just received a donation from Martinez’s granddaughter to repair the damage done by the moisture.

Ojeda said art experts are trying to determine whether the woman’s work can be undone.
“If we can’t fix it, we will probably cover the wall with a photo of the painting,” he said. (Sad, a true treasure destroyed by the desire of an unqualified artist wanna be. The same thing is happening to America today and if the sitting President is re-elected in November there won't be enough paint to cover the permanent damage done to greatest nation on earth.)

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Images: Drudge Report and Yahoo Images

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