Thursday, August 16, 2012

You folks that read my blog know that I like thinking outside of the box. Heck I haven't even seen the box in such a long time, is it still square? Let's face it there really isn't a box that has ever been able to contain me, just ask some of my ex-principals. I was in detention so often I thought I might have a wing of the school named after me but I was never contained in those four walls I would escape mentally.

That is me sitting on the box, not in the box

So as I was looking at the photo of a Chick-fil-A I began to ponder not pander and I asked my self, "Self does hate really have a taste?" Self didn't answer so it's up to me to help myself. Doesn't self help start with self? Judge me if you must, I don't care.


Well let's explore this issue in detail. The tagging says, "Taste Like Hate". Let's ask our selves the true question, does hate even have a taste. If hate does have a taste what does it taste like? Is hate salty, is it sweet, or is it a combination of both like sweet and sour soup? Does hate have texture, maybe it is crunchy? If hate was a food would it come in bit size bars, could you get it in a family pack so the whole family could partake of it or would it be like Lean Cuisine and you would get just enough hate for one setting for one person. Is hate for formal dinning or casual dinning, should it be served with wine or served as an appetizer? Who knew hate was so complex?

Is hate equally distributed or should it be experienced solo? Is hate better in groups?  If I hate you but you don't hate me does it still work? And what if you are a smoker are your taste buds dulled to hate so you can't get the full enjoyment of it? I have heard from people who smoked and after they quit smoking they say things seem to taste better. Could hate ever taste good in any setting?

I think I got it. Hate taste bitter. Hate is destructive to those that retain it. Is one guys opinion really hate? For one person to have an opinion that is not favored by another and call it hate (i.e. gay marriage) in a country that stands on the principle of free speech seems ridiculous to me. If I don't like what someone is saying I don't listen, I don't hate them, all citizens of this land are entitled to their own view points whether we like it or not.

I don't like pornography but I don't hate the people who produce it. The porn dudes say it is their right to create and distribute their product under the right of free speech however a owner that makes chicken sandwiches that doesn't agree with gay marriage and states so is hated. Who really is doing more damage to it's citizens the purveyor of chicken that doesn't like gay marriage or the industry that promotes promiscuity, sexual corruption of our youth, and the abuse of women? When was the last time your read an article of a porn studio being tagged, "Porn is Hate"? I guess it is easier to hate a chicken sandwich than legalized prostitution after all the chicken might leave a bad taste in your mouth while porn just corrupts America's mind and soul. 


Images: Drudge Report, Yahoo Images

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