Monday, August 6, 2012

Commander and Chief?

The Obama re-election campaign has filed a lawsuit to overturn a law that gives members of the military a few extra days to vote prior to Election Day. (Really the Commander and Chief wants to make it harder for military personnel to vote, why? What does this say about his leadership? Why should the American people give this clown another 4 years to make more war against the populace and our rights?)  

Picture of Obama as a community organizer

 Our heroes in the military sacrifice so much for us and face considerable risks that often make it more difficult for them to vote. (If you believe and support our troops then send this guy back to Chicago in November)

It's outrageous that the President's re-election campaign would oppose giving them extra consideration to exercise their right to vote. (This is how dictators and bullies work)

Butch from the Little Rascals

 Learn about Butch:

They are serving to protect our right to vote; we need to stand up now to protect their voting rights. The ACLJ is filing an amicus brief, and we would like you to stand with us.
Take action; sign our brief defending military voting rights.

Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel


On bully watch

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