Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Better Let Go of My Nukes

The Dude in charge in North Korea

"It's a bird, no it's a plane, no sir it is our nuclear ambition flying away."

The food for weapons program seems to be working out well for the new guy in charge. We have food and they have a weapons program that we are not too fond of. We don't want them to have long range missiles and they don't want to starve, thus the trade. I wonder if I was right about this guy. Is he a kinder and gentler dictactor? Only time will tell.

The full story is in the link below:

Final thought, I wonder if North Korea's real angle in this trade off is to lull America into a false sense security until a Disney theme park is built in downtown Pyongyang and then when it is too late they start the missile program up again. Hmmmmmmm!


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