Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Jennifer's Dilemma

Below is a picture of a frozen pizza that Jennifer a.k.a Veronica a co-worker of mine bought at a local store and adopted. She was expecting to have a little morsel of pizza goodness (Who would expect less?) but instead she was very disappointed to see that mess below.

You may be asking what did she do. Well, she sent that picture and an e-mail to Jack's. Jack's upon receiving the e-mail sent Jennifer a coupon for a free pizza. Really? One free pizza for the inconvenience. Jack, I think you could have done a little better than that. Jack, what about the cost of gas, the time, and the frustration of losing a meal. You should have sent five of six coupons. (Could that coupon affect corporate bonuses? Hmmmmm!)

Just look at that! Someone must have been in a hurry on Friday night to get to the bar. One of Jack's finest was working (or not ) that night at the ol' Pizza Company. They were in such a hurry to get to that bar that they forgot to put sauce on the crust, in fact the only thing that did make it to the crust was the cardboard which was covered with the rest of the ingredients. (Nice, different, but nice)  

All I can say is brilliant!

Maybe the folks at Guinness can help the folks at Jack's learn to make a pizza in the correct order. I tell you what. I will help you out Jack (I hope I am not being too informal here by calling you Jack) because I know a thing or two about making pizzas since I worked in a pizza place for a couple of years.

Leon's easy guide to making a good pizza for Jack's employees

1) Lay out dough
2) Spread sauce on dough
3) Spread cheese over sauce (evenly)
4) Place ingredients on cheese (use a clockwise motion so you don't get confused, noon is straight up and clockwise goes right)
5) Place in heated oven (this step is important this step is for your customers not employees)

**Notice nowhere does it say lay cardboard between crust and ingredients**
**Please make sure that the directions are followed in order to ensure product quality**

To the executives at Jack's if these instructions are too hard to follow please contact me and I will make an instructional video. Yes, before you ask I will use Disney characters to explain the process so you won't lose your train of thought.

P.S. One coupon, Jack, Jack, Jack. You could have done better. Shame on you!

Leon, Ex Pizza Man

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I am not in right now but if you leave a comment I just might respond.