Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Paula Deen Shall Rise Again and So Shall Her Dough

A little tift between Anthony Bourdain and Paula Deen has now gotten my attention. Here is the link:

I plan to address this issue in Leon's court.

All rise for Leon's court. (You may be seated unless you already were seated, in that case you don't follow directions very well, do you?) Leon's court is now in session. The plaintiff: Anthony Bourdain has a problem with Paula's southern fried style, high calorie, fat saturated cooking. The defendant:  Paula Deen is Food Network's grandma of goodies who just let the world know she has been suffering from diabetes for three years or so.

Well Anthony just isn't a fan of Paula is he? And that is evident by his comments made on Twitter. "Thinking of getting into the leg-breaking business, so I can profitably sell crutches later." (Well isn't he a tough guy?)

Let's hear from the plaintiff first.

Anthony: "Paula's constant indulgence of butter, fat, and sugar are a bad example for Americans to follow. This promotes heart disease and diabetes."

Paula: "I never told America to eat this style of cooking for every meal. Ya know, ya don't visit Hawaii everyday do ya?"

Anthony: "How often do you warn people about the dangers of constantly eating like this?"

Paula: "I'm not their mothers, my audience is grown adults who are smart enough to know the word moderation. They also can make their own dietary choices."

Anthony: "You see your honor, this is why I call Paula the most dangerous person to America."

Paula: "Get a life, Anthony."

That will be enough from both of you. Anthony you are out of line for saying Paula is the most dangerous person to America. The most dangerous person to America is an elected official. Now Paula, maybe you could do a new show directed towards healthy cooking too. I think you need some balance.

I have thought about what both of you have said and I am awarding Paula with a verdict of not guilty. One because I believe people have to be responsible for their choices and secondly my mother is a Paula fan. I am not sure Mr. Bourdain if my mother watches your program, but I could be wrong.
You go girl!    

All rise. This ends Leon's court.  All rise. Paula you may cook with caution.

Judge Leon

Images: Yahoo Images

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