Friday, February 3, 2012

He Can't Believe in the Power of Tebowing

It seems no one can leave Tebow alone not even the atheist, so I will help out my buddy Tebow again. I have taken some excerpts from the article below and added my take on things, I Leonized it.

Click if you dare:

(Tebowing) This is a nod to the atheist or humanistic belief that it is man -- not a higher power -- who is purely in control of his fate. Silverman is Tebowing to his fellow man. (Ohhhhh! Mr. Kotter may I address the class? Well, Mr. Atheist if man is in control of his fate so much, let me see you turn the sun off, or stop the planet from rotating. I would like a longer summer and a shorter winter can man fix that up for me?)

"The universe has a trillion stars (And many knuckleheads)," he says. "Ninety five percent of it is dark matter. It's hubris to think the Creator (Why did you mention Creator?) of all that wants the Broncos to win a football game." (What if God did want the Broncos to win, prove to me He didn't. What if he just wanted you to pick on Tebow so I could blog about your unbelief. Hmmmmm! I wonder if I found the article by chance?)

So Silverman calls Tebow a "victim" because of the quarterback’s belief that "he's not doing it -- God is doing it through him." Therefore, according to Silverman, Tebow is "brainwashing himself." (Well Mr. Silverman aren't you brainwashing yourself by saying there is no God, over and over, and over? Just maybe you are the victim Silverman. When did you decide that there is no God, in a moment of disappointment of a life event or was it when you found out that you couldn't be the Bronco's quarterback?)

  Even Hitler has something to say about Tebow.

I believe if you want to be an atheist, be the best one you can be but don't try to bring down someone else's beliefs because they don't work for you. Make an argument based on facts Silverman. If one takes the time to really examine the facts about the universe I really think that you can see that someone of great intellect created everything. There is a Law for everything and the universe works in an orderly fashion. Now, whether the Broncos win or not that is laid out by Laws too. Football is a game of skill, technique, and planning I should know I played the game for 11 years. You break the Laws you don't win the game.

Leon, See you next year Tebow

Images from: Yahoo Images
Tebowing from: Tebow
Football: A gift from God

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