Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Carpe Carp

I saw this article on the Internet one day and wondered what the fish would think if they were surveyed. I took some liberty as I often do and answered the questions for the carp. The carps answers are in red.

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) - A new EPIC/MRA poll released on Thursday indicated that the majority of Michigan residents are concerned about the Asian carp's progression toward the Great Lakes.

41% of the Michigan residents polled have heard or read a lot about the Asian carp. 31% had heard or read some, 19% only a little, and 9% nothing at all. 100% of the Asian carp polled had heard of Asian carp.

After the issue was explained in the poll, 93% of respondents were concerned, with 73% very concerned and 20% somewhat concerned. 6% were not very or not at all concerned, and 1% were undecided. 100% of the Asian carp were not concerned about progressing toward Lake Michigan although 100% of them were concerned about the electric barrier idea. 60% said that barriers should be erected between the Mississippi River and Lake Michigan to stop the carp. 15% said that no barriers should be erected, and 25% were undecided. 100% of the carp said that the fence should be erected in the Rio Grande since they don't swim down there right now.  49% of respondents said that the federal government should spend money to fight the carp and 37% said the funding should be left to the states. 14% were undecided. 100% of the Asian carp said that the federal government should not get involved fighting against them and under no circumstances should they be deported back to Asia and that they should be given amnesty. The poll sampled 600 people and has an error of plus or minus 4%. An unknown amount of carp were sampled, smoked, and then eaten.

If you would like to see the real article click the link:

Now these fishermen have found a novel way of dealing with those pesky carp.

Leon, fighting for native fish since, well, since I wrote this blog.

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