Monday, June 18, 2012

Bullwinkle Biden

Leon: "Hey, look it's Bullwinkle Biden. Mr. Vice President aren't your hands supposed to be on the sides of your head if you are doing a Bullwinkle impression?" Biden: "Who is the Vice President of our 51 states, me or you?" Leon: "You are, for now Bullwinkle, er, I mean Mr. Vice President of the 51 states." Biden: "Then it is settled I will do the impressions and you will report the news." Leon: "Understood Mr. Vice moose. Would the real Bullwinkle please step forward?"

Bullwinkle: "Joe, I am a moose and the anlters should be to each side of the headbone and not in front of it."

This message was paid for by Citizens for Electing Smarter Politicans for Better Government, (I wish there was such an organization) not really I am responsible for this but I had some help. Thank you Mr. Vice President for giving me some great material. Thank you Bullwinkle for being a role model for the Vice President.


P.S. Jedi mind trick time. Obi Wan can you help me? The Vice President seems confused.

Obi Wan: Mr. Biden you are a Vice President not a moose. " Biden: I am a Vice President not a goose." Obi Wan: "Close enough."

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