Monday, June 25, 2012

Sports With Bin Laden

Laden with great news infidels! Lebron James found his inner jihad and finally put the ring of basket ball kings on his finger. His team the Miami Heat won the NBA championship defeating the Thunder. The Thunder showed up but the lighting did not. I am a big man not just in stature but in deeds too.  I can admit when I am wrong. I was wrong with 911 and I was wrong when I said that a team from the Western Conference would win the championship. Too bad it wasn't a team from the Middle-East that won but at least it wasn't a team from the west.

Congratulations hot indifels from Miami. Le Bron went through the Thunder like a run away camel in an open air bazar in Egypt. Only six more championships to go Sultan James to make good on your promise to win seven.


The NBA trophy. Pretty isn't it. It is almost as pretty as my third wife.

Until the next sports event I will be playing dead, your buddy Bin Laden.

P.S. ever notice how the word until has two ugly little letters in the front of it,UN. It reminds me of the UN in New York. Oh well gotta go.

Images: Yahoo Images

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