Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Rate This

I went to see the Avengers when it came out. I thought it was great and I recommend it to people who like action movies. The way that the Hulk said his lines was quite Shakespearean.

Now I am kinda of weird in some ways. You guys already know that. Example: Most Americans hate TV commercials but I like them better than I like most TV shows. I pay attention to them and learn from them. I try to examine them and see the creative side of the people who make them and then I ask myself, "Self what would you have done differently." Some times self says nothing and from a Freudian stand point I guess that is okay because if self starts talking back then you are not far from being Gollum. Right precious. Right!

Some times ideas come for a blog or a comedy skit or a parody of a hit song and then I run like Forest Gump with them. I can't explain it, won't try to explain it, and you won't make me explain it either, so there.

Well this happened at the Avengers movie.

Everyone knows that previews to up coming attractions are played in hopes that our interests in the next movie might be heightened. May I remind you I like to watch commercials, I also read things that other people don't pay attention to like the small print on movie posters, cereal boxes, and stop signs. No there is no small print on stop signs, well none that I have found. 

Well the first preview came out and the rating announcement stated that the preview was for approved audiences.

I thought about that message for a while and I had some questions for the rating people. This is the part where bears and unicorns are dancing under rainbow colored clouds. How does the MPAA know that I am approved? Why did they approve me? How come it took so long to approve me? Do I get anything for being approved?  And now that I am approved by the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) will I get parent approval?

Once I accepted the fact that I was approved and honored to be approved I set out to find that message and share it with you, but alas I could not find the image, however I did find two other images that got me thinking. Look below.

Okay in this message it states that the following preview has been approved for all audiences, but is it really? You got some splaining to do Lucy.

Would you let your family see a movie with the characteristics that are displayed in the warning label? What audiences are they talking about, the Manson family? I wish I could make the message for rating a movie like that one. I would say something like this movie has some really bad stuff in it, stuff your mother won't approve of or  your grandma wouldn't be caught dead watching this one.

Here is another good one Bobby.  Look at what it says. This preview is for appropriate audiences. What is an appropriate audience? Do they have previews for inappropriate audiences? How will the movie house know if you are appropriate or not? Will they need a note from your boss, or teacher, or your pastor?

If I had to write the note it would go like this: Please allow Ted Baxter to go into this movie he behaves in such an appropriate manner at all times. Maybe they should have this rating system for entering nightclubs. I am sorry Mr. Sheen but you have been behaving in an inappropriate manner and are not allowed in the nightclub because it is for appropriate people only. Sorry Charlie!

Who knew it could be so confusing to go to the movies. Maybe I should stop reading the small print, eat some pop corn, drink my soda (if that is still legal, Bloomberg are you listening) and just enjoy the movie, huh?

Leon the Approved

Images: Yahoo Images

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff, as usual! Keep up the good work, my friend!


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