Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Enablers

Hey, I just wanted to wish my special group of enablers a Merry Christmas. I am sure with their continued support we will make this one of the most visited blogs on the planet so here we go...... Deb, Tracey, Jonathan (he is single ladies), Gary, Steve (the other Blues Brother and a good speller too!) and Jei (a true Jedi knight). Don't think I forgot you Dione. Now you're famous.


  1. Jenn is pissed that you forgot her. In your defense, she hasn't been very supportive...

  2. Okay, my bestest Naughty person, I want to know how you set this thingy up. Mine sucks. I want to know. Inquiring minds want to know things.. and you are a thing!!! Happy New Year, from Naughty, Gman, Tommy and Terry!!! Love you and miss you!!!

  3. Well Nancy, What I do is take the truth sprinkle it with some foolishness, put it in the mind oven at 97.6 degrees for about an hour and then serve pipping hot.


I am not in right now but if you leave a comment I just might respond.