Monday, December 26, 2011

SpongeBob Scandal Pants

Another great American icon has been tarnished but this time I refuse to stand by and watch the public flogging of this American hero. After all who has babysat more children in America then SpongeBob and his friends. I Intended to do some research on this SpongeBob Square Pants fellow in order to get to the bottom of things. According to a study, just watching nine minutes (we have probably all been guilty of this. I know I have) of SpongeBob Square Pants can cause short-term attention (what was this article about?) and learning problems in 4-year olds, so can watching C-SPAN in adults by the way. The full article is provided below in the the link. Detail

The article goes on to say that children after watching the cartoon, when tested scored measurably worse than the children that did not watch the program (little more to it that, you must read the article). Come on America, you all know that watching too much TV is not good for your brains especially around election time when all of the campaign messages start coming out!

Singling out SpongeBob didn't seem fair to me so I did some investigative journalism with the help of Jei. We found some pretty interesting things about ole SpongeBob. SpongeBob is far worse than the article portrayed him to be. Here is a list of other things that he might also be responsible for. Things that your government has kept secret until now.....

1) Donald Trumps hair do
2) Global warming

3) Bank fees

4) Obama getting elected

5) 9/11

6) The Cubs never winning a World Series

7) Belly fat

8) Global financial melt down

9) All of the Detroit Lion's losing seasons

10) The JFK assassination

11) Somali pirates

12) Bermuda Triangle

13) He invented the Internet

14) Milli Vanilli

15) Hitler's mustache
16) The Beatles break up

17) Pearl Harbor

18) Polyps
19) Tom Cruise's breakdown, and
20) Ruining Star Wars episodes I and II 

Hey, who can believe this stuff especially if 4-year olds conducted the study. (see the article title below)

 SpongeBob in hot water from study of 4-year-olds

Images by:

and Yahoo images.

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