Sunday, December 18, 2011

Thank you Nancy!

Men Who Require Supervision

By: Nancy Jager 

You know the type, the one who pulls pranks then denies it?
They're full of the jokes, silly pictures, and such,
You try not to laugh,
but not with much luck.

They're mostly funny,
they break up the ice
They can be naughty or they can be nice.

Hard to ignore,
to look other ways,
but they'll entertain you,
and get you to play.

No matter how hard,
I try to ignore,
I just start out laughing
And run for the door.

They aren't really harmful,
 but entertaining and more,
until the moment,
 the boss walks through the door.

Just as you figured,
it's always the same.
The minute you give in
You'll get the blame.

The boss looks right at you,
your face turning red.
Where is the jokester
You're busted instead.

I've often wondered,
how they get away,
with causing the trouble
and I have to pay?  

Fits me like a glove Nancy! I will always try to live up to this standard. Ever had a co-worker write a poem about you? Share it with us.


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