Monday, December 19, 2011

Urban Myths

Recently I learned that I work with a guy that is a researcher by trade. He is currently researching new uses for are you ready folks (drum roll please,this is low budget right now, so you have to do the drum roll yourself) Preparation H

Doctor H as he is known in the research circles is the only expert that I am aware of or is willing to admit that he is trying to find new uses for this product. I still am debating which end of me would benefit the most from this product. I read that it is good for reducing facial wrinkles and I am well aware of what the other intended use is.

Dr. H if you are reading this we need your professional help. Please good Dr. help broaden our horizon on this matter. I hear from the Dr. that it makes a wonderful shoe polish. Hopefully the Dr. will see the H beacon in the still cool night and answer the call like Batman would.

To learn more about this wonder product I have included a link to their website. After all an uninformed customer is an ignorant customer I always say, so inform yourselves Heaven knows we have enough ignorant people in this country already. Don't add to the masses!

P.S. if you are a Pfizer executive how about throwing a few dollars this way for the advertising? I work cheap.

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