Monday, December 26, 2011

My Endorsement

George H.W. Bush has "unofficially" endorsed Mitt Romney as his choice for the GOP Presidential nomination. By looking at the picture below I am not sure that Barbara shares the same sentiment. She is either saying, " Could you take the picture already because this guy smells like lobster and big government and we are shrimp and oil people down here in Texas? or hurry up because it's time for Georgie's treatment again." I choose the later, look at how happy President Bush looks. That photo must have been taken just before treatment time. Yippee!

Now for my endorsement. I have chosen a proven winner. A man who is very popular with the people, looks good in a suit, and has good country sense. Are you ready America? Here is my choice..........


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 Please don't get confused America. I know they look a lot a like. We can't afford four more years of the guy on the left because there won't be an America left for the next President to ruin.

No, deep dish will be fine. No, no, don't bother delivering it. We will have Air Force One stop there and I will pick it up on my way to Hawaii. Put it on America's tab.

Now I that I have shared my political endorsement with you I want to share my  

endorsement. I am choosing the

as a playoff spoilers. They are very hungry and haven't been to the playoffs since the 1999 season.

There is this rumor or urban myth that I would like to dispel to my readers about the Lions. Many Lion's fans have believed that the NFL no longer has a playoff system in place. Well this is simply not true, the fact is that the Lions stunk so bad for so many years that most Lion's fan's brains have shut down rather than agonize about the next season. Be honest Lion's fans right after the last seconds on the game clock ticked down in the last game of the year (until last year) many of you were thinking about springtime and mowing grass not the next season. I know three years ago I would rather watch grass grow than watch a Lion's game too!
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Welcome back to the NFL playoffs Lions. Good luck! Make Detroit proud.

P.S. don't be a stinker boys!

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