Saturday, December 17, 2011

Some Where Over the Tebow

OK Tebow haters I want you to know that I am in Timmy's corner. Does it make you nervous that when Tebow makes a touchdown he celebrates by bowing down and giving thanks to God? I don't see the problem with Tebow doing this. It takes guts to display your faith and football is a game of guts for those of you that never played the game or don't have guts.

Maybe what you haters would rather have is a new NFL tradition. One that maybe the school children would pick up. Why don't we ask the NFL commissioner if it would be OK to have "Pacman" Jones spit on the opposing team each time they score? This might even help ratings of teams in poor markets. Vegas could take bets on who was going to be spit on. I know where you are going to go with this, I thought the same thing, how could "Pacman" be at all the games at the same time? Pacman is only one man, what a conundrum! That's easy to answer. Rule change. The NFL could add either a twelfth player that would only be there for the purpose of spitting on the opposing team's players after each touchdown or they could have a neutral ref do it. Tough call, huh? I guess that is why I am not the commissioner that and because I am too valuable to corporate America.

Now on Tebow not being an NFL caliber QB. Nonsense! The team is 8-5 this year and he is making the difference. Given time let's see what the Broncos can do to give him some supporting players. Haters leave him alone and let his performance do the talking. After all there are plenty of other players that you could vent on. How about double dribble Suh. I call him double dribble because on Thanksgiving I am pretty sure he bounced that Packer's player's head twice stopped and dribbled it again before going up the lane for the slam dunk.

This is the Christmas season after all why don't you good folks go out and by your bookies something nice for the holidays remember Christmas is only 8 days away.

Merry Christmas,

Love the Yankee Redneck

P.S. Go Tebow!

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