Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Red Fedora Follow Up

My actual receipt

Well I thought that you good folks might like a follow up on the Red Fedora incident. Thursday the 22nd I decided to go back to the Red Fedora and have lunch. I like to give people and businesses a second chance (it's only fair in an unfair world). If I go to a new restaurant and have a bad experience I always go back a second time. I try to be fair in all my dealings.

Well this time it was to be a dine in experience. The waitress asked me to sit down. I obeyed the hostess because I wanted Fedora management to know that I was trying too! My waitress came over and gave me a menu, I think her name was Stacey (maybe I should read the receipt). Funny how I raised cane about being called Jean Coat and then completely forget the name of my waitress. Stacey will have to do. By the way all good customers should try and address your server's by their first names. By addressing the wait staff by their first names it does two things, first it makes them feel like their jobs are important, it also makes the dinning experience much more enjoyable, secondly someone that is addressed by their first name is less likely to spit in your food because they are familiar with you. Would you spit in someones food that is nice to you? I know none of my readers would spit in any ones food period (You people are too sophisticated for that).

Stacey took the order and then another woman brought the food. It started making me think that either the two ladies thought I was Chef Gordon Ramsey, a company mole, or maybe they read the blog and they were trying to make up with me. I was disappointed it was only a shift change (sad face). 

Well the sandwich and soup was great and the service was excellent from both ladies. Now comes the moment of truth would someone address me by my name? The second waitress took my bill and my payment and said much to my surprise, "You have a good day Mr. Eggleston".  I was shocked for a moment. When any one calls me Mr. (like school teacher's used to do) it's either because I am in trouble or they are trying to suck up and get something that I don't want to give them. Either way Mr. doesn't fit me too good. Mr. fits me like a sumo wrestler fits into a Miata.
2012 Mazda MX-5 Miata, Front quarter view. , exterior, manufacturer
Well Red Fedora I think that you redeemed some goodwill back with me. You really never had too much to worry about because I wasn't going to up and leave you. I am a bread stick and wing junkie and you guys are the dealer of what I need. I still think that we can work this out. I am still going to call you Red Fedora partly because I like the sound of it and partly because I wouldn't be me if I did otherwise.

P.S. Fedora management I am still waiting for a paid endorsement and special coupon deals for my readers. 
Dear readers I am going to e-mail the big boys and see what we can do about this coupon stuff. Let you know their response soon.

Jean Coat

Images by: Yahoo Images and Mazda

Emoticons by:

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