Guidelines are nice and laws are necessary for people to have structure other wise society would collapse under anarchy. But too many rules and and unfair guidelines have a tendency to choke a society of it's will to compete. Why use your creativity if it is not going to payoff, right? Remember the risk and rewards illustration I used last week in Toilets, Regulations, and Capitalism?
(Thanks again Popcorn)
Well societies have risk and rewards to them too. One of those risk is people not paying their fair share of taxes but reaping the benefits of other taxpayers and the fruits of their labors. This is how a free nation wanders down the road to socialism. Take a look at the Figure 1. in the link above. Notice how over the last twenty plus years, less and less people are paying federal income taxes. More people paying less taxes what a novel idea (Had to be a government idea). That should help rein in those deficits. I guess the Federal government will make up for the reduced revenue by increasing the volume.
Just in case you wondering our national debt just hit $14.8 Trillion just a few days ago.
Now I am one of the paying guys and I've got this idea. It may not be a very popular idea, as many of my ideas are not very popular with the people in charge. I believe those of us paying taxes deserve something for our money. Time to jump. Here we go! I think that a list of people that pay no federal taxes but receive tax refunds, who are not employed and but are able bodied (key word able bodied) should have their names and skills put on a state sponsored web site, kinda like the predator files each state publishes now (you would be surprised to see who is on that list). Putting people on the list is not to embarrass them but to provide free labor for us tax payers and to help develop skill sets for non-tax payers (win-win).
To make this work out for both parties in the best possible way each person's skill set would be available for viewing. This makes sure job tasks are matched with job skills. Here is how it would work. Mike the tax payer doesn't really feel like mowing his lawn in the month of July. "Hey, it's hot out there"! So Mike goes onto the state sponsored site and looks up lawn care specialist and puts his order in. Bob the guy that pays no taxes but received a generous tax return has to answer the request or face paying a tax that he can't pay because he doesn't work. Bob who does not have the money to pay the tax because he blew all of his tax return on lotto tickets (he likes to support education), Lady Gaga (at least she is enjoying the fruits of her labors and the transfer of wealth) pay per view concerts, and X-Box Live, has to reluctantly go to Mike's house and mow the lawn. Bob will now add real value to our society by earning that tax refund and Mike will actually see his tax dollars at work.
Sounds ridiculous right, so does over 43 million American citizens (2006 figures) not paying a dime in federal income taxes either. By getting everyone to do their part the society will experience gains from their labors. Taxes could go down because there would be more revenue from the people who just entered the work force because they didn't like mowing Mike's yard (too much crab grass, I guess).
Bob might even choose to use his God given talents to start his own business or he might choose to get an education instead (to get a better job, now that he is working). WWJD? I believe he would work. God never puts any tools in your tool box that he doesn't intend for you to use but if you never open the tool box you will never find out what's in there. ( I do wonder sometimes why God put so many rubber chickens in my tool box).
Before anyone gets mad at me. I do understand the need for some public assistance but not generation after generation of people growing up dependent on the state for their living. America you can do better! Every time that we let someone (able bodied people) take money that they did not earn from those of us that did earn it, it weakens our nation and deprives the individual of the right to use their God given talents to make their lives fruitful and this nation great.
Illustration by: Leonardo Eggleston
Animation by: