Friday, January 13, 2012

Don't Push What Button?

This is an image of the interior of the Space Shuttle Atlantis. Can you imagine being a rookie astronaut pilot and trying to fly this beast? I can see it now if I was the rookie. "Hey Charlie, were is that auto pilot switch again I gotta use the can".  This thing has more buttons than politicians have lies. I'll bet they don't have problems with their satellite TV up there. "Charlie which screen get ESPN again?" Maybe on the next space craft, NASA could add a few more buttons. Can you imagine what the owner's manual looks like, it must be like a New York City phone book? "Where is the flux capacitor, again?"


All fun aside tell your Congressmen and Senators to keep funding NASA because a lot of good things come from our space program. Things that we use everyday and take for granted today, were inspired by products used in the space program, things like contact lenses. If we stop funding our space program America will fall even further behind in Math and Science to other countries. Let's make sure our citizens are up to task. Research jobs create manufacturing jobs sooner or later.

Check out more photos at:

Click this link to see things that were invented because of our space program:


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