Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Help Me! Throw Me A Life Saver

As I was talking with some co-workers last week, we wandered to the subject of Life Savers. Yes, Life Savers that delicious little treat that comes in a roll, that’s the one I am talking about. (Wild Cherry is the best one by the way)


The conversation was short and the question concise. Has a Life Saver’s candy ever saved a life? I personal don’t believe that this candy has ever saved a life. The candy may have enhanced a few taste buds here and there over the years but save a life, it's not like it's a miracle drug. I do know for sure that Groucho Marx did throw a Life Saver to Thelma Todd as she went overboard in the movie Horse Feathers. (it didn’t appear to save her by the way)  So why is it named Life Savers?

The Life Savers was invented by Clarence Crane in 1912 as a “summer candy” that could withstand heat better than chocolate, not as a life saving device. Source: Wikipedia

So if this candy has not saved a life then I believe that the name should be changed to “Not a Life Saver, Just Plain Candy.” They could put the “Not a Life Saver” on the front of the candy and on the back they could put “Just Plain Candy”.  The poor ole Life Savers company has been bought and sold many times over clicky the little link provided free of charge to see some history:

Maybe Mars' the current owner of Life Savers should heed this advice and change that name since in the U.S. we are sue happy (please Mars don't sue me I am just telling a story). Americans are more than happy to sue a company that allows us to by a hot beverage in a foam cup that we must hold in our own hands and drink from, this cup which could allow the said same hot beverage to be spilled on us (due to operator error "Stupidity") causing a burn. After being burned (by our own fault or because some of us don't have opposable thumbs)we in turn find a lawyer who is not chasing ambulances (or has just finished chasing an ambulance) and sue the company for not warning us that the beverage was hot in the first place. Here is how I would label the container (Hey, dummy, yes you holding the cup, this drink is HOT!!! Don't spill it on yourself)

Mars' should think hard about this. I think it might be false advertisement on their part calling the candy Life Savers since I am pretty sure you can’t use their candy for a personal floatation devise. Just a thought. Mars, I will tell you were you can send the check for me saving you all that money.


Images from: Yahoo Images

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