Friday, January 6, 2012

Real American Heroes

This is a great story. A story that I hope will inspire us all to do better with our own lives. It's about Bloody Mary, not the kind you drink and not Mary I of England the child of King Henry VIII nor is it Lady Gaga in her meat suit.

Mary has a high forehead, thin lips and red hair

Hard to tell the difference, Huh?  (Lady Gaga is on the right) The Bloody Mary in this blog is a famous make up artist who under difficult circumstances pressed on in her life and became quite a successful make artist and entrepreneur.

You can check out the evil deeds of Mary I by clicking that little link:
To check out Lady Gaga's deeds just go to MTV or VH1. I am sure you will find her there. Sorry Gaga meat is for eating not wearing.

To check out the real Bloody Mary and her story click the link dudes:

Images from: Wikipedia and Yahoo Images

To check another successful entrepreneur visit this web site:
This guy makes the most expensive surfboards on the planet. When you see them you will know why. America reach for those dreams, by obtaining your dreams you may make the dreams of others come true.


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