Monday, January 30, 2012

Let Go of My Lego

All right you block heads (seems fitting for this blog) that are attacking Lego, now you got my attention. Let me educate you people. Legos are toys (Just toys). Lego toys are fun and let children use and expand their imaginations. There is no secret meaning to them, no agenda (Manson and the White album), it's just a toy!

This is how the Lego hater's article starts out: "Lego toys have always seemed pleasantly gender-neutral". (Maybe the author doesn't know that there is a difference between boys and girls) This is were the article is wrong. Many Legos have beards, mustaches, and other manly appearances. (I know because my son and I played many hours with his Leogs when he was younger. Practical experience beats theory anytime, professor) If anything Legos have been a boy's toy more than a girls. It's about time that girls get some attention. You go Lego!   

To see the antilego's article click here:

I will not stand (Or sit while I'm typing) and let the media ruin a good toy and a great company's reputation, just because they don't like the fact that Lego made this new line just for young girls. Young girls that have no real understanding of right or wrong, political or non political, nor does fat and skinny mean anything to these children either. (Why don't you pick a fight with the fashion industry?) Don't young girls deserve to have toys that are fun and just for them? (What next, should we tell Mattel that they have to make Barbies with butched hair cuts, tattoos, and body piercings, so boys won't be left out?)

Just because you're not having fun with the Legos (You probably have never played with them) doesn't mean you should ruin it for others. Why don't you use your energy and go help you patients out and leave the toy design and manufacturing to the experts and the playing to the children.

Help me support Lego contact them and leave your thoughts:

Leon "One mad Lego builder"

They look like males to me.

Images from: Yahoo Images

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