Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hello "Mcfly" Are You Listening?

  George McFly

Well corporate America I sure am tired of the the way you have been behaving lately. I believe I speak for America too. The greed, corruption , and plain incompetence that is being radiated from you behemoth leeches is too much. You are bleeding America of it's wealth generating capabilities. Today I wish to address poor service and underhanded fee schemes. I am going to pick on cell phone providers with this blog.

Here is a list of grievances that I wish you would address: 

1) (Hidden fees) Stop trying to trick people with your small print and hidden fees, fees that your lawyers help you hide in the contract documents. (Cell phone providers you know darn well what I mean) Be honest put all the fees in bold, Man up cowards, earn the business don't steal it! 

How many of you readers hate your cell phone providers? I have heard lots of complaints about this industry over the past year. The complaints were mainly about poor service.You (the consumer) wish that you could get a new provider, but you're stuck with the current one because most of the big ones require you to make a commitment to them of a year or longer. (But they don't commit to you) They entice customers with low introductory rates for a few months and flashy phones for making a deal with the Devil,

once the deal is done and if you aren't happy to bad! (remember that contract you signed in blood?)

Once they know they got you, they stick it to you. To the cell phone companies, if you provided great products at reasonable prices maybe you wouldn't have to lie and cheat us into staying with you. Honesty used to be the best policy in American business (But cheating, lying, and scheming seem to generate the most income today, isn't that right executive fat cats)  

2) (Serve Americans with Americans) Stop trying to service customers in America with people who live in India that speak English but couldn't tell you were Detroit is if they were standing in it.


You don't think we know that they aren't true Americans? (Nothing bothers me more than speaking to someone in India that doesn't know who the Michigan Wolverines are)  Nothing against those people in India , you just don't understand the culture. It would be like you calling customer service in America for curry recipes, I think you would be very disappointed when we told you to use Tabasco sauce instead. The next time you call your cell phone provider for service and get a foreign operator give them the real American test. Ask your operator if they saw the game of your favorite team last night just for fun. If they say yes, then say not last night, that's right they weren't playing last night, or were they, you're not from (You fill in the city) are you? You sound like your from South Phily. Are you from South Phily? See if they squirm.                                                         
3) (Spend some money training employees instead of exploiting them) Train your employees, retrain  your employees, and train them again so when I call they know what to do. I know Americans, you hate it when you get passed around from department to department and you never get your problem resolved. The next time I talk to a company I am going to ask to be transferred twice to any other department but the one I really want to talk to and then once transferred I will ask to be transferred back to the department that I really wanted to talk to in the first place. (Hey, it's going to happen anyway. Why not be ahead of the game) Take some of those profits from the outrageous fees you are charging and spend that money on training instead of stock dividends. (It's called value adding for any executives reading this)

4) ( Treat your employees like they are a valuable assets not just office furniture!) Stop acting like you own us when we work for you. Remember us is you and you are us. You just get paid more then the rest of us.  Without us there is really no need for you. It does not work the other way around. (Sounds a little like Dr. Suess)

 There was a time in American history when the employee was valued. Employees made the difference and were rewarded for doing so. We (America) must return to that day if we are to rise from the ashes that the government and corporate America caused in the last decade. Execs stop looking at  American labor as the problem, look at it as the solution. My hats off to every working American that goes to a place to work where they hate their job because the company does not engage with them properly. I applaud you!

Corporate America, we will have you start with these four grievances first and see how you do before we give you other task to preform.

Here are two Leonisms for you corporate fat cats: "A business is only as good as it's worst employee." and "Why not do it twice so we make sure it was done once?" 

To go along with the Leonisms I will share with you what the CFO of
once told me, "Sooner or later companies get the employees that they deserve."

You got that Mcfly?

Leon, the responsible capitalist

Images by: Yahoo Images and Wikipedia

Poor service provided by: Greedy corporate America

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