Saturday, January 7, 2012

I Say What I Want To

It looks like Bill Maher got himself in trouble again using that little opening under his nose called the mouth. Read the full article below.

Animated Human Body - Mouths

Maher was making fun of Christians like he normally does ( I was not surprised) but this time he struck a deep nerve with many Americans. Maher went for the tri-fecta Tebow, Jesus, and Tebow's poor performance against the Buffalo Bills in his Tweet (How Tweet it ain't, huh Billy?).

A performance where Tebow threw four interceptions and looked and acted like a rookie should look and act. This is the NFL folks, this ain't backyard ball at Billy's house on a lazy Sunday afternoon. The guys on the other side of the ball were professionals who did not intend on letting Tebow just dance or throw his way into the end zone. 

I don't agree with Maher's sense of humor but I do think that he has a constitutional right to say what he wants to.

If people don't like his sense of humor then don't watch him. If you are really angry with him boycott the companies that pay his salary. How about one better America? Every one that is dissatisfied with Maher's behavior make a video of themselves, family members and the family dog (or cat if you don't own a dog) all Tebowing and then bombard Maher's website with these videos and show him that you can exercise your right to free speech too!

If we don't protect this right even for guys like Bill then this could happen here in the near future. Read article below about Argentina.

Question for all intelligent people in the world. How come the only news paper companies that governments like to take over are the ones that print articles against their government's stupidity and corruption? I have a suggestion for the people in Argentina. Print your opposing view points on toilet paper and trade them between yourselves. Let's see if the government there is willing to take over that industry too! Maybe they would make toilet paper illegal.

"I carry a big stick and I will use it too if your write anything contrary to what I think you should!" (Does that picture remind you of someone?)

 "I'll get you and your printing press too!" Aren't you glad we still live in a free country?

Vote right and keep it free.

Leon, standing up for free speech for all including Bill Maher

Images: Yahoo Images

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