Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sunday School

Terell Suggs is obviously suffering from Tebow envy. Click for the story:

Well Terell it must seem like it's not fair that the media is infatuated with Tim Tebow and his life style. Are you not getting enough press? Well let me change that for you. My good readers Mr. Suggs has 70 tackles, 7 forced fumbles, and fourteen sacks this year. (That's quite a year, Yeah!)

Terell also looks good in a Tux and purple really is his color. He has a warm smile not to mention his team is in the playoffs. So Terell with so much going your way can't you give Tebow a break? If he wants God to attend the game what's wrong with that? I think that it is only fair for God to be invited since the NFL uses His planet to play on. Am I the only man in American that doesn't feel intimidated by Tebow?

Terrell Suggs, selected for his fifth Pro Bowl Tuesday, says he'd rather be preparing for the Super Bowl that week than playing in Hawaii. You go Tebow. Don't worry I will keep defending you. I have lots of time on my hands since I am not in the playoffs nor was I invited to the pro bowl. So you keep Tebowing and I will keep writing. Let's see if they can handle the both of us.

 Sorry Tebow, I made your picture smaller than Terell's but Terell needs some attention right now. I hope you understand.

Tebow and Jesus get the job done click the link to find out how. After Tebow's last game maybe Terrell will invite Jesus to his next game.


Images: Yahoo Images

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